Premature ejaculation
Premature ejaculation
Premature ejaculation is very ordinary. Many men ejaculate prematurely, or come too early, at some time in their lives. It is more ordinary in younger men.
There is no fixed time for ejaculating. Premature ejaculation is when you lose managed over when you ejaculate. If it occurs occasionally, that is not a worry. But if you frequently come earlier than you or your partner would like, then it is an issue to think about.
It is important to remember that ejaculation problems are nothing to be embarrassed or shy about. Talking to your partner or a health professional about your concerns can often help to reassure you. Your doctor will also be capable to give more advice.
This is important. Most men with premature ejaculation can be helped, which can help with developing and maintaining intimate relationships.
Causes of premature ejaculation
Sometimes premature ejaculation is a lifelong problem that starts the first time a man has sex. Acquired premature ejaculation can expand after a period of normal ejaculation. It is generally due to a psychological problem such as performance anxiety. Other factors that can contribute to premature ejaculation are anxiety, stress, and erectile dysfunction and relationships problems. Alcohol and recreational drugs can make premature ejaculation worse.
Some men may have physical problems tied in with premature ejaculation, such as impotence or high blood pressure. Some medicines can make it worse too.
Premature ejaculation treatments
There are a number of ways you may wish to try before seeking medical help. These include:
- having sex with your partner on top, as you may find this position less arousing
- Taking a break and thinking of something other than sex.
- masturbating an hour or two before you have sex
- using a thick condom to help decrease sensation
- taking a deep breath in order to briefly shut down the ejaculatory reflex (an automatic reflex of the body during which ejaculation occurs)