• 16, 17, 18 Saraswati nagar infront of Hanuman mandir Bhopal MP


The acronym "ADHD" with its full form, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, written on a chalkboard.

What Is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has an effect on children and teens and can continue into adulthood. ADHD is the most normally diagnosed mental disorder of children. Children with ADHD may be hyperactive and not capable control their impulses. Or they may have trouble paying attention. These behaviors interfere with school and home life.

It’s more general in boys than in girls. It’s generally discovered during the early school years, when a child begins to have problems paying attention.  Adults with ADHD may have problem managing time, being organized, setting goals, and holding down a job. They may also have problems with relationships, self-esteem, and addiction.

Symptoms in Children

Symptoms are grouped into three categories:

Inattention. A child with ADHD:

  • Is easily distracted
  • Does not follow directions or finish tasks
  • Does not appear to be listening
  • Does not pay attention and makes careless mistakes
  • Forgets about daily activities
  • Has problems organizing daily tasks
  • Doesn’t like to do things that require sitting still
  • Often loses things
  • Tends to daydream

Hyperactivity. A child with ADHD:

  • Often squirms, fidgets, or bounces when sitting
  • Doesn’t stay seated
  • Has trouble playing quietly
  • Is always moving, such as running or climbing on things (In teens and adults, this is more commonly described as restlessness.)
  • Talks excessively

Treatment and Therapies

While there is no cure for ADHD, currently available treatments can help decrease symptoms and improve functioning. Treatments include medication, psychotherapy, education or training, or a combination of treatments.


For many people, ADHD medications reduce hyperactivity and impulsivity and recover their capability to focus, work, and learn. Medication also may improve physical coordination. Sometimes several different medications or dosages must be tried before finding the right one that works for a particular person. Anyone taking medications must be monitored closely and watchfully by their prescribing doctor.


The most common type of medication used for treating ADHD is called a “stimulant.” Although it may seem unusual to treat ADHD with a medication that is considered a stimulant, it works because it enlarge the brain chemicals dopamine and nor epinephrine, which play essential roles in thinking and attention.

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