• 16, 17, 18 Saraswati nagar infront of Hanuman mandir Bhopal MP

Sexual dysfunction

Sexual dysfunction

Sexual dysfunction happens when you have a problem that avoids you from wanting or enjoying sexual activity. It can occur anytime. Men and women of all ages experience sexual dysfunction, although the chances enlarge as you age.

Stress is a common cause of sexual dysfunction. Other causes include:

  • sexual trauma
  • psychological issues
  • diabetes
  • heart disease or other medical conditions
  • drug use
  • alcohol use
  • certain medications

What are the types of sexual dysfunction?

Sexual dysfunction generally is classified into four categories:

  • Desire disorders —lack of sexual desire or interest in sex
  • Arousal disorders —inability to become physically aroused or excited during sexual activity
  • Orgasm disorders —delay or absence of orgasm (climax)
  • Pain disorders — pain during intercourse
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